The Official Site of Dr. Marc Newman
Pro-Life Speaker Training
Unleash the power of public speaking to help you raise volunteer, funding, and prayer support. You CAN speak effectively. Take the Pro-Life Speaker Seminar online, practice with our 7-Minute Speaker Tool method, and become a confident advocate for your organization, and for life.
Banquet Speaker
Looking for just the right combination of humor and power? Book Dr. Marc Newman to keynote your next banquet. Watch sample video clips, and read what other center and clinic directors have had to say, and you’ll see why Marc is one of the most effective national banquet keynoters. Contact us for booking information.
What Directors Are Saying

“Marc Newman did it again! This was our second time hosting him and he did not disappoint! His first visit was our highest grossing event ever, but this visit topped even that one! Marc has a remarkable way of connecting with the audience and really getting them invested in the cause of life. God is using him in a mighty way! Would recommend him to everyone without hesitation, and his pastors’ workshops are amazing as well!”
— Breanne Hunt, MBA, Executive Director, Lifeline Pregnancy Help Clinic, Kirksville, MO

“The results were unbelievable! Our center normally averages $75,000 in cash and pledges at our banquet. Last year the outpouring of support was so great that we brought in $153,000! Marc has the unique ability of being able to mix an appropriate amount of humor with a serious, powerful message. I can’t speak highly enough of Dr. Marc Newman. I strongly recommend him as your next banquet speaker!”
— Paul Marshall, President/Executive Director, Care Net Pregnancy Center of Central New York, Utica, NY

“We had Dr. Marc Newman as our speaker for the third time last October. Marc is our favorite banquet speaker. Last year, we broke a record in per family giving at the banquet–which is quite a complement since we had just broken a record the year before as well. Marc builds his entire speech to prepare guests to make a sacrificial donation at the end. No guilt, just an honest challenge. I think he is the BEST pregnancy center banquet speaker available.”
— Dr. Nanda Duhé Kirkpatrick, Executive Director, Care Net Pregnancy Cener, Houston, TX

“I just completed my thank you calls to major donors (there were so many, it took us a while!). Universally people were telling me direct quotes from your presentation about engaging their will a week later. Our net receipts were 41% higher than last year just in that night and we picked up 42 new monthly partners. You so professionally wove our info into your presentation that one person told me they thought you were a member of our team.”
— Kimberly Logsdon, Executive Director, Care Net of the Peninsula, Newport News, VA

“Our guests loved Marc Newman. The men were challenged to stand for the pre-born. Marc met with our Pastors the following day. The pastors were feverishly taking notes and appreciated what he had to say as well. Several pastors commented that they are taking the message back to their congregations to preach about abortion from the pulpit and what we as a community should be doing to stand for life. All of us are in agreement that Marc needs to come back next year.”
— Elizabeth White, Development Director, Living Well Medical Clinic, Grass Valley, CA