One of the questions that keeps coming up in popular abortion debates is “When does human life begin?” In every banquet I do, I try to educate my audience so that they will understand that everyone, and I mean everyone really knows that human life begins at conception. Even Planned Parenthood — the largest abortion provider in the U.S.– knows it, or, at least, they used to. Here are some photos from a pamphlet distributed by Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc. Fortunately, I don’t just have a photocopy of this pamphlet, I have the actual item. Note how the booklet tells readers “If one of the male sperm meets and unites with an egg cell, a new life begins.” So, when does human life begin? According to Planned Parenthood, it begins at conception. So we have to wonder: If Planned Parenthood knew this in 1951, why are they the world’s largest abortion provider today?