Useless Hand-Wringing over Abortion Ruling

The leadership of our nation is committed to the continuance of abortion: a violent act that kills a defenseless human being. This is nothing new; it’s been going on since Roe v Wade and Doe v Bolton. It’s been going on under Democrat administrations and...

Speaker for Life Launches New Facebook Page

Speaker for Life is announcing a new Facebook page. If you are a subscriber to the Speaker for Life blog, but want updates and reports via Facebook, please go to our Facebook page and like it. Right now on the page is: a news story about the Volunteer Euthanasia Party...

Planned Parenthood and Mitt Romney

Sometimes you can tell who your friends are by the kind of opposition they attract. Planned Parenthood — the largest abortion provider in the United States — is stuffing Virginia post boxes with glossy campaign adverts. The headline reads: “Mitt...