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Contenders: A Church-Wide Strategy to Unmask Abortion, Defeat Its Advocates, Empower Christians, and Change the World
How did intentionally killing human beings in the womb become “health care?”
When did sacrificing the innocent become the path to “freedom”?
Planned Parenthood and their allies are normalizing abortion and selling a lie.
It’s time for Christians to tell the truth, and act like we believe it.
Contenders equips you to:
- Strip the mask off of abortion
- Understand why so many churches remain silent
- See how abortion-choice supporters “argue in retreat”
- Speak up with confidence for the unborn
- Resist and respond to abortion advocacy
- Persuade powerfully, yet winsomely
- Combat a culture of death by creating tangible, life-affirming alternatives
- Help empower other Christians to change the world
“If there’s only one book to read to understand how to become a champion for life, Contenders is that book.”
– Jor-El Godsey, President, Heartbeat International
“Marc is one of the most insightful and clear thinking communicators in the world today. His understanding of the Pro-life discussion in its varied and personal aspects is second to none and everyone we know would benefit from reading this book.”
– Bill and Pam Farrel, directors of Love-Wise.com and authors of Men are Like Waffles, Women are Like Spaghetti
More Endorsements
“Marc Newman has been training prolifers to communicate the truth more effectively for over three decades. I helped set up and attended one of his training sessions in Portland nearly thirty years ago, and still remember what a difference it made in our community. As life advocates, we need not only to know what is true but learn how best to communicate it to others. From his experiences as a university speech professor and debate coach Marc brings a unique set of gifts, skills and know-how to his book Contenders. I happily recommend this book to everyone who wants to speak up more skillfully for those who cannot speak for themselves.”
— Randy Alcorn, author of ProLife Answers to ProChoice Arguments and Why ProLife?
” In Contenders, Marc Newman — one of the most articulate and experienced communicators on life issues — delivers a wakeup call to the Christian church and provides a step-by-step roadmap to help us think more clearly, speak more persuasively, and act more compassionately. Read this book, become a Contender, and let God work through you to change hearts and minds, help expectant mothers, and save lives.”
— David Bereit, Founder, 40 Days for Life
“Contenders takes what you believe about human value and human rights, and grounds it firmly in the science and moral reasoning that explains why you stand for life, and then—and here is the payoff—shows you how to communicate it persuasively.”
— John Ensor, President, PassionLife
“Abortion only exists with the consent of a sleeping church. Thus, Contenders provides the body of Christ with a much needed wake up call. It also provides readers with the intellectual ammunition needed to rebut the arguments of those who would justify harming the weakest amongst us. This book is both brilliantly written and desperately needed. I cannot recommend it highly enough.”
— Dr. Mike S. Adams, Professor of Criminology, University of North Carolina Wilmington and author of Letters to A Young Progressive.
“Contenders is a must-have manual for every believer. If you truly believe the Bible from cover to cover then we all have a civic duty to speak clearly and boldly against abortion. This book helps you do just that. Lives are depending on it. 3,000 lives a day to be exact. There is revival waiting when we finally speak out and unmask the abortion giant in our communities. What are you waiting for?”
— Valerie Millsapps, Executive Director, Pregnancy Resource Center, Maryville, TN
“Contenders shows how any of us can play a unique and vital role in creating a seismic societal shift toward life. For every Christian, Contenders is the right read, at just the right time.”
–Kirk Walden, Pro-Life Speaker and Host of The Faith Revolution Podcast, author of The Wall
“Compelling and powerful, Contenders is both a clarion call and real-world toolkit to contend for the lives of the unborn. A must read for all church leaders!”
— Barry Poudrier, Discipleship Pastor, Grace Church, Reno, Nevada
“This is a powerful and practical book. Contenders should be in every pastor’s, priest’s, minister’s, teacher’s and layperson’s hands not just their libraries. It is an operation manual and it needs to be used.”
— Rev. Dr. Thomas J. Carmody, PhD., Anglican priest, Professor of Communication Studies, Vanguard University
“Christians should desire to be confident in addressing this issue in defense of life, and Marc Newman’s book will lay out a firm foundation for our ability to do just that. Get the book. Read the book. Church, it is time to armor up for LIFE.”
–Connie Wyatt-Coleman, CEO, Wise Choices PRC
“The new must-read book of the pro-life movement, those interested in advocating for the life of the human being in the womb should not miss it.”
–Andrew J. Harris, Associate Professor of Communication, Cedarville University
“Contenders creates a great marriage between philosophy, church application and practicality for those who want to begin or readjust their strategy to further the pro-life cause.”
— Christopher Hilken – Apologist – Teaching Pastor and Young Adult Pastor North Coast Church, Vista, California
“Marc provides straightforward, compelling, and persuasive arguments. His writing is well-researched, so the academic pastor will appreciate the wealth of background material referenced, but it is very accessible to the average person in the pew. Marc gives you the tools to vigorously and passionately contend for the pro-life position.”
— Stephen Wheeler, President, White Fields Ministry

Get The Pro-Life Speaker Seminar Workbook
Each student participant in The Pro-Life Speaker Seminar will need a workbook, containing:
- Outlines for all 14 video lessons, with room to take additional notes
- All assignments
- Instructions for the 7-Minute Speaker Tool method
- A Clear Organization Checklist
- Speech Evaluation Tool
- Journaling section