How to Teach the Toughest Topic

The Dobbs decision overturning Roe v. Wade has only intensified the battle over abortion in our nation. Your church members are not immune to the persuasive rhetoric of the abortion industry. Research shows that over 40% of all women who’ve had an abortion were in church at the time, nearly no one knows about the abortion, and nearly half say that when the pastor preaches about forgiveness from the pulpit, it doesn’t apply to them. They are not alone – many men who have participated in abortion are equally affected.

How can pastors and teachers break through the cultural fog in order to protect our people and influence our culture. “How to Teach the Toughest Topic” – a short, 90-minute seminar – will inspire and equip you to preach effectively on abortion.

You will learn:

• Why people reject truth claims 
• Five unconscious tactics people employ so they won’t have to change
• Four key responses to overcome these barriers to transformation
• A four-part teaching strategy designed to shepherd people to life-affirming decisions

This seminar is for senior pastors, youth and college/career pastors, small group and life group coordinators and leaders, and Sunday school teachers.


Meet Your Trainer

Dr. Marc Newman is president of Speaker for Life, a training firm that equips advocates with platform communication skills. He is the former Director of Speech and Debate at the University of California, Irvine and is retired from teaching in the doctoral program at Regent University. He is the author of Contenders: A Church-wide Strategy to Unmask Abortion, Defeat Its Advocates, Empower Christians, and Change the World. Each year, he keynotes banquets raising millions of dollars for pregnancy help organizations.

To Register

Click HERE and register for the “How to Teach the Toughest Topic” event in your area. Seating is limited, so please register today and indicate how many members of your pastoral and teaching staff will attend with you.

What Pastors Are Saying

“The “How to Teach the Toughest Topic” training is an absolute must for any pastor wrestling with the complexity of the abortion issue. Dr. Newman provides invaluable information and resources to help both understand the issue as well as to speak in a compelling fashion to our congregations. Do not miss this!”
Barry Poudrier, Pastor, Grace Church, Reno, NV

“When I heard Marc Newman explain that God’s children from our churches are going to abortion clinics, my role as pastor changed forever. When I learned from Marc Newman that the first known help to our youth in a crisis pregnancy was Planned Parenthood; I was moved to do something about it; and our congregation was ready too. God is up to something powerful right now to re-engage the church with those who are still on the front lines. Join in!”
Mark Neymeiyer, Pastor, Rusk Christian Reformed Church, Rusk, MI
“This seminar was quite valuable – it provides useful tools for discussing difficult topics, not just abortion.”
Andrew Hartman, Associate Pastor of Youth and Worship, Sunnyside CRC, Sunnyside, WA
“Make it a priority! You will be escorted to the frontlines in the battle for human life.”
Steve Mason, Pastor, Faith Community Church, Grayson, GA
“Pastors need this seminar to be empowered to teach on this most important topic. This will set you up for success in preaching the truth of God’s Word, and specifically on the topic of abortion.”
Dustin Deike, Lead Pastor, Byesville Assembly of God, Byesville, OH
“This seminar, as a pastor, I can’t place a value on it. The knowledge and passion Dr. Newman has is inspiring and drives me to go out with the same passion and communicate on the abortion issue.”
Russ Hopper, Youth/Associate Pastor, Victory Baptist Church, Hampton, AR 

Contact Dr. Newman about conference speaking, or bringing a pastor training or CONTENDERS pro-life apologetics event to your area.